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HDF5 data files

Getting started

Program parameters

HALMD has three ways of accepting program parameters:

  • pass directly as command line options
  • read from parameter config file [RC format]
  • read from HDF5 data file, optionally resuming from a prior trajectory

Options are described in the command line help:

halmd --help

The group of global options must precede module-specific options, which are introduced by their respective module name.

A first example: Lennard-Jones fluids

Many simulation scenarios can be controlled by command line options, there is no need to setup a separate simulation script. Let us consider a simple fluid with 20,000 Lennard-Jones particles at density \rho^*=0.8. Equilibration is done with the Andersen thermostat at a temperature T^*=2 over 10,000 steps

halmd -v \
  --force=lennard_jones --integrator=verlet_nvt_andersen \
  --timestep 0.005 --time 50 \
  box --density 0.8 --particles 20000 \
  verlet_nvt_andersen --temperature 2 \
  trajectory --every 10000

Many parameters have sensible default values and may be omitted, e.g, the collision rate of the Andersen thermostat (10), or the cutoff radius of the potential (r_c=2.5\sigma). The option -v makes the output more verbose, check that your CUDA device has beed detected properly.

The equivalent parameter configuration file would look like this

# file example.rc




It is passed directly to HALMD, while parameters may be overwritten:

halmd -v -c example.rc --time 10

The trajectory is written every 10,000 steps, i.e., at the beginning and the end of the simulation. The initial configuration of the particles is a fcc lattice. The default output settings yield an HDF5 file with a time stamp in its name, halmd_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.h5 and a corresponding log file.

We may now continue the simulation at constant energy by resuming from the trajectory file and selecting a different integrator

halmd -v \
  --integrator=verlet --timestep 0.001 --time 100 \
  trajectory --file halmd_20110715_160545.h5 \
  thermodynamics --every 100

This will continue the simulation over 10⁵ steps and write observables like thermodynamic state variables every 100 steps (potential energy, instantaneous “temperature”, pressure, ...

If the HDF5 tools are properly installed, we may have a quick overview of the output file

h5ls halmd_20110715_160920.h5

or look at a specific data set

h5dump -d observables/potential_energy halmd_20110713_161511.h5 | less

For a more advanced inspection and analysis of the HDF5 output files, see Plotting the results. You may try the exemplary script

halmd/examples/plotting/ halmd_20110713_161511.h5