Runtime Estimate

Given the number of steps, this module estimates the remaining runtime.


-- setup simulation box

-- number of MD steps
local steps = 1000000

-- calculate remaining runtime every minute, and log every 15 minutes
-- (only 'steps' is required; for the other three parameters, the default values are given)
local runtime = halmd.observables.runtime_estimate({steps = steps, first = 10, interval = 900, sample = 60})

-- run simulation

A runtime estimate may be triggered by sending the process signal USR1:

killall -USR1 halmd
class halmd.observables.runtime_estimate(args)

Construct runtime_estimate instance.

  • args (table) – keyword arguments
  • steps (number) – length of simulation run
  • first (number) – time to first estimate in seconds (default: 10)
  • interval (number) – frequency of estimates in seconds (default: 900)
  • sample (number) – frequency of sampling in seconds (default: 60)